Internal Heat is Not a disease but a Symptom
Internal heat is a situation in which a person feel heat sensations all over the body or internal heat in some specific areas of the body.
Sometimes, the heat starts from the stomach, the chest, the throat or the waist region and radiates all through the body.
In fact some people feels very hot from inside (high core temperature) but would have a normal temperature outside the body (skin temperature)
Moreover, some will feel intense internal body heat and will start sweating profusely while others will only feel hot within without sweating.
Internal heat occurs irrespective of the environmental or atmospheric conditions and may sometime come with headache, tiredness and rapid heartbeat.
No matter the form it shows up, Internal heat in the body makes the sufferer very uncomfortable.
Causes of Internal Heat in the body
As a matter of fact, Internal heat is not a disease. Rather, it come as symptoms or signs that your body put in place so as to inform you that something may not be right or to warn you of an impending danger within your body
Therefore, when the underlying cause is treated, the internal heat vanishes easily.
Causes Of Internal Heat
There are several factors that can cause internal body heat. This factors ranges from minor to major. Here are some of them
Illness and medical conditions such as malaria, infections, stomach ulcer, high blood pressure, insomnia, seizures, muscular agitations, neurological disorders.
Hot atmospheric conditions that prevent proper core body temperature regulation through sweating.
Improper clothing
Strenuous physical activities or exercise
Certain drugs and stimulants such as cocaine etc
Excessive worry and Emotional problems and lots more.
It is of utmost importance that you study your body well so as to know your exact actions that triggers the internal heat.
Knowing these triggers will help you to avoid them as much as possible.
Based on our survey, Here are some common triggers
Hot and Spicy foods
Oil and fried foods
Foods rich in sodium
Caffeine and Alcohol
Cigarette smoke
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